
Life Beyond Reggae Music

Heather Dennis is dedicated to helping those in need and has found a way to combine this desire to help others with her love of music. Heather wants to pay homage to her culture and in doing so, provide a platform to several artists who are striving to make a name for themselves in the genre of reggae music.

The book is paired with a skillfully mixed compilation CD containing songs from the immensely talented artists featured in the book. Many of these reggae artists have faced challenges growing up and many continue to encounter and overcome difficulties today. This book has also been released to create an avenue to introduce a group of individuals pursing their passion for reggae music with the goal of helping them gain even greater audiences. These artists open up to share deeply personal details about their history and their experiences beyond the music that allow readers to relate and connect in unexpected ways.

Heather has written this book in an effort to showcase her Jamaican heritage and culture. Reggae music has the ability to inspire people; bring people together; and move people with undeniable rhythms and has spread around the world from its native Jamaica. This is reflected in the diverse collection of artists found in Life Beyond Reggae Music.



We rise by lifting others!

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