
Why Must I

Go the distance to accomplish my goals.

Stand up for things I believe in.

Whether I am thick or thin, does not shade me from love,

To feel pain or remain in relentless control of my actions.

Do not discriminate, I am different.

If we’re all the same, the world would be stale.

Learn from each other not tear us down....

“Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.”

Richard L. Evans

Express Yourself

Life Coach

Life Coach

Be the change you wish to see in the world!

Are you looking for a change in life, are you confused as to what direction to take. At Why Must I, we can help you in achieving a …
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Why Must I

Through this book, in telling these stories, I …
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Life Beyond Reggae Music

Heather Dennis is dedicated to helping those in …
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